
"I can fix a bad page but I can't fix a blank one." ~ Nora Roberts
I'm drawing a line in the sand. It's time to get back to writing. Whatever issues I have with writing--like most writers, I have many--I need to put them aside and get over them. I'm a WRITER, dammit! I need to start behaving like one. Which means writing nearly every single day.
As I've said in previous posts, I hatehatehate scheduling myself. Ever since I was a kid I've always bucked against schedules. I like to keep things loose and casual most of the time... So I won't write myself a daily schedule--not yet. For now, I'm going to attempt a list of goals.
1) Critique one scene per week for my online writing workshop (I'm behind by two right now.)
2) Write a minimum of 30 minutes per day.
This will be enough to get started with right now. I'll also dig out my poster board and clippings and see if I can't get started on a collage for my WIP. No pressure. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, it can be hideous! Great, I'll add that:
3) Work on collage at my leisure.
I am giving myself permission to fashion an ugly collage and permission to write 30 minutes of drivel a night! At least at first. Hopefully, after I while, my confidence will come back and I won't think I suck.
This is my plan. Care to join me?
Current Mood: Hopeful.