Wednesday, August 09, 2006


What else can we do but go on? Some days are better than others. (Some hours are better than others.) I know the cat must have been glad to have the house all to himself at first, but now I know he's wishing we'd get another dog and fast!

Monday night I heard my husband--a silly, skipping sound of footsteps--thumping down the hallway. I heard him go back and forth and through the living room for a minute and then I heard him say, "Ow!" I went to investigate and asked what happened.

"I was giving Rutherford a ride on my shoulders and then he sunk his claws into my neck."

God help him, he is a dog person. As am I. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my cat Rutherford. He likes to cuddle on our laps, he will let my husband do silly things with him--undignified things like make him dance, dangle his feet, etc-- and he purrs like a motor. He's even decided it's now his job to wake us up in the morning like Niki used to. I just adore him. But I am a dog person. I miss Niki laying at my feet, following me around, listening to me like she understands me. I miss her big solid presence. I am a dog person.

We have been filling out applications at dog rescues and scouring the internet since last Saturday night. We have so much love to give and we need to share it with another dog--actually dogs plural. We like big dogs anyway, so Rutherford will not lose his place on my lap. And then my husband can do silly things with the dog instead. I'm sure Rutherford will think it's a good trade, all in all.

I still owe everyone a photo of Rutherford. I have a few and I'll post them later today.

Current mood: I'm not sure. It changes all the time. Healing is a lot of work.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It certainly is a great deal of work. Chloe-kitty helped me get past the pain of losing my Princey. I'm not sure what I'd do without her.

Be patient with yourself. You've lost a family member. A furry family member, but a family member nonetheless. Hugs to you, Kim.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

I know what you mean. I brought Kilroy home the day after I had to put my Dotty to sleep. Losing Kilroy was like losing Dotty all over again--which is why we were so lucky Niki was still there at the time. And why it's hard now. Never own less than 2 pets. Thank God for Rutherford. Good thing he likes hugs. He's getting loads of them.

Hugs back at you Caryle for losing Princey. It's hard to lose a family member, furry or not. ((((Caryle)))

8:27 PM  
Blogger dee said...

Now I totally understand why you were so suportive when Hershey got hurt earlier this summer. I, too, and a dog person. I like cats ok. We have a hamster and some hermit crabs. I've kept rabbits and guineau pigs. We've even had birds. Really though, I love dogs. If Hersh is not sitting at my feet while I'm writing, I can't seem to concentrate. If he's not breathing over my shoulder when I watch a movie, I don't seem to really see it.
I'm glad you guys are getting another dog(s). Your new addition(s) is(are) very lucky to have a home filled with so much love!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

Thanks Dee. I can't wait till 4 PM tomorrow when we're going to see them. We're not going to make a rush decision, but hopefully meeting them will give us a lot to mull over.

9:19 PM  

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