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It's that time again! Time for another fabulous Cherry Forums Book Club with your hostess, me. (Ha. It's my turn. There's 5 of us.) Anyway, August 1-10, 2007 (That would be tomorrow) we are pleased to welcome Susan Holloway Scott and her fabulous book Royal Harlot: A Novel of the Countess Castlemaine and King Charles II to the Book Club. She will be with us Aug 1-7, 2007 to answer questions and talk with us about Harlot as well as her Miranda Jarret books.
If you haven't read this book, you're in for a real treat. Here's a little taste:
"February, 1660
I was, I think, a gambler born.
I don’t mean a few pennies at whist or ombre, a piddling hand of pasteboard cards. I speak of grander games, where the stakes are power, titles, great fortunes, even the heart of the King of England. Mark you, I’m no coward. I wouldn’t have survived so long if I were. I know how to take my risks, and my vengeance, too, on those who dared to cross me. But how I did parlay my beauty and wit to rise so high: that was the game I chose, the game that became my life."
*Read More*
I suggest you order yours today! :)
If you have read any part of the book, are a fan historical fiction, the British Royal Family and European history in general, don't miss our discussion. You don't have to be a member to read the Book Club Board or comment, so come on over and have a look. :)
Labels: books, Cherry Forums, reading