The auction is coming! The auction is coming!

Unfortunately, being a breast cancer survivor costs a great deal of money. Earlier this year a bunch of writers, readers, cherries and others got together and donated items and we held an auction. The outpouring of love and support was incredible! After the auction was over, a few people asked if we were doing another auction. They were crafters, you see, and they needed some time to craft their donations. Pokey (from the beautiful Quilting Arts & Cloth Paper Scissors Magazines) helped organize our wonderful crafters and soon we had a huge lineup of (mostly) craft items for another auction.
This auction begins Monday, November 6. Yeah! Just in time for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/pick-your-holiday shopping. I'm not kidding. You should see the beautiful items that our crafters made with such love and care. Most (not all) of them are included in this Fickr slide show. Have a look and drool. There's a couple of items I'll be bidding heavily on, let me tell you!
Please spread the word about our auction to your family and friends. You never know; you just might find the perfect holiday gift for that special someone and help Michele at the same time. Really, what could be better?
Current Mood: Hopeful, anxious and filled with gratitude