Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wouldn't you like to be a cherry too?

I don't know why I didn't post this sooner. Oh well...

The Cherry Forums are now open the the public! For those of you wondering why on earth anyone would call herself Cherry Red, go
here and find out.

We all have "cherry" names in Jennifer Crusie's Forums and e-groups. It's part of the fun. This is a great group for readers and writers alike. I happen to be a moderator on the Reading Board, but I try to participate on all the boards when I have time. You have to join to view the Writing Boards, but it's painless and free. The writing boards ("Writing Craft", "Writing Life" and "Publishing") are great resources for writers of all genres and experiences, pubbed or unpubbed.

We always have wonderful conversations going on in the Forums so please come visit us. You'll find me listed as Kim AKA Cherry Red. The threads are organized and easy to navigate, plus the boards are just plain pretty. Everyone is welcome to join, so please stop on by and check us out!

Current Mood: Jazzed

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Time. Where do you find it?

I'm frustrated over my lack of writing time. I wish I could figure out a way to find more of it. I've noticed that when I decide to do anything important in my life, it takes up almost all my free time and, like most people, I don't have much of it.

As I stated in my profile, I'm working out again (5 times a week) and trying to be healthier. So, this means that I need to get up early Mon-Fri and go to the gym before work. So, no morning writing. This also means that I have to make sure I have healthy things packed for my lunch. So, every night I have to wash and chop fruit for my breakfast, wash and put together salad items for lunch (time consuming because I love salads, but not boring ones) and other things. By the time I've done this, cooked dinner and cleaned up the dinner dishes, I'm generally left with an hour or maybe two for computer time. If we have nowhere to go or nothing that needs to be done which most nights there's something...

Here's an example. Last week I promised to make a cake for my nephews' graduation party--and I was glad to do it because they love that special attention (and it was a special occasion)--but.... Tuesday I went shopping for cake ingredients, Wed I baked one sheet layer, Thurs I baked the second sheet layer, Friday I split and filled the layers and went to the cake decorating shop and bought decorations and Saturday afternoon I decorated it.

Those nights I had maybe a half-hour computer time and I pretty much checked e-mail and the Cherry Forums I moderate. There was no time to write. Even if I'd done those things already, I find it very difficult to get into my story with only a half an hour. I kind of ease into it. Unwind from my stressful day with e-groups, blogs and e-mail. After I'm mellow, I'm in the mood to write... But usually it's too late by then. The alarm rings at 5:10 AM for the gym, so I can't get to bed later than 11 PM or I'm dead on my feet the next day.

I really need a solution to this. I wish there was an easy answer. Already I'm looking to ahead to tomorrow night and I have a nail appt after work. That'll push everything at least an hour ahead and voila! I'll be lucky to get an hour in. If I'm not worn out from work, if the pets don't need attention, if the laundry doesn't need folding...

When I picked up the pen again a few years ago, my story raced through my mind at light speed. I couldn't make it stop. I wrote everywhere all the time. I'm not like that any more and I'm not sure why. Sometimes I wonder if I want to finish this manuscript bad enough, but I know I do. The idea of putting it in a drawer and walking away brings tears to my eyes. I just wish... Oh, I wish I could add just 2 more hours to my day... But I can't.

So, my dear Bloggers, how do you add time to your day? Do any of you have ideas on how to get into writing mode quickly? People have suggested a writing ritual (like burning candles or a certain music) to set a scene for writing. People have suggested plotting while driving home from work (though my drive is kinda short and I generally listen to the news on my way home or music if I'm stressed). How did you tackle this issue and come out on the e winning side of it? I'm all eyes and ears.

Current mood: frustrated and sad

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Movie Recommendation

I saw An Inconvenient Truth last weekend and it was a great movie! I know what many of you are thinking, "Here goes this Lefty Tree-hugger trying to convert me to her side" but really, it's not like that at all.

First, the movie is totally non-partisan. As Gore says in the movie, "This is not a Republican issue or a Democrat issue, it's a moral issue." I couldn't agree more. I happened to see this movie in one of the most Republican counties in the entire US (and certainly in all of California) and everyone sitting in the audience around me seemed to have the same opinion I did.

The movie doesn't base anything on theories, but on data gathered over a number of years. Gore also points out that the media reports that there are scientists who don't believe in Global Warming, which simply isn't true. Of the 900+ articles published in Scientific journals, not one scientist has officially disputed one of them. And yet the other side (representing big business) will have you believe that Global Warming is a theory. And the right likes to call it "the liberal media." What liberal media?

Even if you don't want to take the word of scientists, just look at what's happened in the last couple years: the Tsunami, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, that insanely wet winter we had in 2005. Everything seems to be changing right before our eyes. This movie helps explain all that. Please give it a chance when it comes to your hometown...or at least when it's released on DVD. If you care about the world you're leaving your children, if you think it's a sin to destroy the beautiful world God gave us, of if you're simply an open-minded individual, please see this movie.

Current mood: Hopeful that people will care enough to give the movie a chance.

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Handsome hubby, adorable niece

We just got our first digital camera a couple of days ago. Yes, my oh so handsome husband (see photo) and I are dragging each other kicking and screaming into the 21st century! What will we do next? Turn in our pay-as-you-go old school cell phones for the modern ones that take photos and have downloadable ringtones? The mind boggles...

Anyway, this is my husband and our niece (his sister's daughter) Elise Cassandra, the most beautiful child on the face of this earth. (Partial? Who me?) We had a lovely Father's Day at his parent's house. Elise is almost walking now. She's pulling herself up on every available surface. (In the photo, she's climbed up on a little foot rest.)

We are enjoying having a new niece to play with. His brother has 2 sons (age 14 and 18) and so having a new baby in the family (and a girl to boot) has been especially great for my sisters-in-law and me who have been outnumbered for far too long. Please note that Elise is wearing one of her numerous cherry outfits (courtesy of yours truly) a little chambray dress with red cherries (::ahem::) embriodered all over it. Hey, someone had to get her started on the whole cherry thing, right?

Current Mood: pleased with myself for figuring out the new digital camera


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Shoe Love

I just received these pink shoes in the mail last week. I love-love-love them and I thought I'd share. Aren't they just the cutest? Of course the day after I ordered them, they got marked down $15 dollars. I was annoyed that I missed the savings--hey, this girl likes her bargains--until I opened the box. Oh, boy are they ever pretty! And sparkly too! Lots of pretty beadwork along with the silver studs. Fabric's a bit shimmery as well.

They were out of my size, so I ordered one size bigger. It seems they run small, because they fit perfectly! They're a teensy bit narrow so I've been wearing them just for a couple of hours at a time and already they are stretching out nicely and my feet don't have any blisters. Must remember this technique in the future. I like them so much I'm toying with the idea of ordering them in brown too. An extra added bonus is that the cut of the shoe makes my feet look much smaller. Any girl with big feet knows what a good thing that is!

Have any of you out there in BloggerLand treated yourself to something pretty lately? If so, please share!

Current mood: Tickled Pink

Monday, June 05, 2006

The 29 Questions Quiz for my Protagonist

The 29 questions Quiz

I got this from
Dee who got it from Kelly. decided to make it into a writing exercise by having my protagonist answering the questions... And here we go!

Roma DeSalvare's attempt at the 29 questions quiz:

Q1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water? I start it and then get in after to allow the water time to heat up.

Q2) Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? No. I could care less about that sort of thing.

Q3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the Herbal Essences commercial? Oh, yes. A long hot shower is often the best reward (along with some pizza) after a 20 hour day.

Q4) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? Nope.

Q5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? Mom said she bathed us together when we were little. We're triplets.

Q6) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? Oh yes. Timesaver for a busy girl.

Q7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? Sure.

Q8) How old do you look? My (lack of) height makes people mistake me for a younger woman at a distance. I'm 26. I think my face looks about that.

Q9) How old do you act? Some days I act 50 and other days I act 16. My life is filled with responsibility. Gotta blow off steam sometimes.

Q10) Whats the last song you sang? A Healing Chant.

Q11) Have you recently become a member of anything? Not that I can think of.

Q12) What are your plans for the weekend? I work at the clinic Saturday halfday and I'm on call all weekend as usual. No real plans unless Kamaria drags me out to a movie or something.

Q13) Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? Never been kissed.

Q14) Whats the sexist thing about Condoleeza Rice? Sorry. Can't think of anything.

Q15) Does anything on your body itch right now? No. Full Moon's a few days off yet. :)

Q16) Who's the sexiest famous woman alive? Angelina Jolie

Q17) Who's the sexiest famous man alive? Hmm... Michael Easton maybe?

Q18) Does every family have a crazy uncle? Of course.

Q19) Have you ever smuggled something into America? No.

Q20) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? It doesn't hurt. :)

Q21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team? Bella Luna Canyon's an unincorporated City. As for a sports team...yes, if you count the teams at Bella Luna High School. Go Wolves!

Q22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag? Since I have a huge appetite, I'll say, yes, I probably have.

Q23) Have you ever had sex in a tent? Never had sex.

Q24) What about in a boat? See Q23.

Q25) Have you ever dated a Goth? Never dated anyone. Don't want to tempt myself.

Q26) Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex? Someday I'd like to have both. I have less than four years to wait and counting down... tick tock.

Q27) Can you fix your own car? Certain things.

Q28) Would you want to kill George W Bush yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it? I may not like the man, but I could never kill someone. I want him out of office, but not dead.

Q29) Should guys wear pink? Sure. Why not?

Current mood: (Kim) Full and happy... just had lunch


Thursday, June 01, 2006

The 50 short questions Quiz

I got this from Kelly's Blog which I found through Dee's Blog. I don't know Kelly personally, but I know Dee and I was browsing around trying to get in the writing mode and I just love quizzes. Don't know why. Always have. So, it was easy enough to write up quickly and so I decided to. Why don't you try it too? And let me know that you did so I can go read yours. Just as I'm going to let Kelly know that I'm doing this one...

Take the quiz, copy and paste to your own blog and change your answers.

The 50 short questions Quiz

Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on? Depends

Q2) Prefer black or blue pens? Black

Q3) Dress up on Halloween? If I have a party to go to

Q4) Like to travel? I LOVE TO

Q5) Like Someone? Yup

Q6) Do they know? He does

Q7) Who sleeps with you every night? Abner

Q8) Think you're attractive? I clean up good.

Q9) Want to get married? Never did before I met Abner…but when he asked me I said, “Yes!”

Q10) To: Abner. No other.

Q11) Are you a good student? Yes.

Q12) Are you currently happy? Yes. Life’s a bit disorganized, but I’m happy.

Q13) Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? No and no

Q14) Birthplace? Long Beach, CA

Q15) Christmas or Halloween? Christmas

Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo? Black & white

Q17) Do long distance relationships work? I think they can, though I’ve never had one.

Q18) Do you believe in astrology? Not really, though my sign totally fits me.

Q19) Do you believe in love at first sight? Oh, yes! Happened for Abner and me.

Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party? No, but I’m a great party hostess.

Q21) Do you drink? Sometimes.

Q22) Do you make fun of people? I like to tease certain friends, but not in a mean way.

Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true? I honestly do, if you work hard enough.

Q24) Favorite fictional character? Phedre no` Delaunay (from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Dart, Kushiel's Chosen, Kushiel's Avatar & finally Kushiel's Scion: out this month. Yeah!) She's sexy, smart, loyal and brave. Such a combination.

Q25) Go to the movies or rent? Rent. $20 for two tickets vs $1.50 rental can be put to better use.

Q26) Have you ever moved? A couple of times. Not a fan.

Q27) Have you ever stolen anything? Yes. Candy--as a child.

Q28) How's the weather right now? Too hot for me.

Q29) Last time you cut your hair? I trim it all the time.

Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone? I hate the phone. Someone at work.

Q31) Last time you showered? This morning.

Q32) Loud or soft music? LOUD

Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King? McDonalds hot fudge sundaes & fruit ‘n’ yogurt parfaits…for a meal, I’d rather have Del Taco or El Pollo Loco

Q34) Night or day? Night

Q35) Number of pillows? 2

Q36) Piano or guitar? Electric Guitar

Q37) Future job? Published author.

Q38) Current job? Purchaser.

Q39) Current love? Forever Love: Abner.

Q40) Current longing? More time to write, to sleep, to have a maid.

Q41) Current disappointment? Lack of writing time.

Q42) Current annoyance? Niki, my barking dog

Q43) Last thing you ate? Chicken breast, pasta, green salad & Diet Coke

Q44) Last thing you bought? 7-11 Peach cobbler flavored latte. Yum. And $2 cheaper than Starbucks.

Q45) Most recent thing you are looking forward to? Having lunch with Michele and Pat on Saturday!!!

Q46) What are you hearing right now? Abner grumbling about his computer.

Q47) Plans for the weekend? Sat: Lunch with my friends Michele and Pat &
Laughing Liberally Show. Sun: Hopefully a day with nothing planned. I love days like that.

Q48) What did you do today? Worked out, went to work, cooked dinner, checked e-mail.

Q49) Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? “I’m not ready to make nice. I’m not ready to back down. I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round and round.” I’m not a Dixie Chicks fan, but Natalie Maines is awesome. Any woman who speaks her mind and makes no excuses for it, is ok in my book. I might just buy the CD.

Q50) Pick a movie quote? “You look good wearing my future.” Keith to Watts in Some Kind of Wonderful-- I just love that movie.
