Wouldn't you like to be a cherry too?

I don't know why I didn't post this sooner. Oh well...
The Cherry Forums are now open the the public! For those of you wondering why on earth anyone would call herself Cherry Red, go here and find out.
We all have "cherry" names in Jennifer Crusie's Forums and e-groups. It's part of the fun. This is a great group for readers and writers alike. I happen to be a moderator on the Reading Board, but I try to participate on all the boards when I have time. You have to join to view the Writing Boards, but it's painless and free. The writing boards ("Writing Craft", "Writing Life" and "Publishing") are great resources for writers of all genres and experiences, pubbed or unpubbed.
We always have wonderful conversations going on in the Forums so please come visit us. You'll find me listed as Kim AKA Cherry Red. The threads are organized and easy to navigate, plus the boards are just plain pretty. Everyone is welcome to join, so please stop on by and check us out!
Current Mood: Jazzed