Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Movie Recommendation

I saw An Inconvenient Truth last weekend and it was a great movie! I know what many of you are thinking, "Here goes this Lefty Tree-hugger trying to convert me to her side" but really, it's not like that at all.

First, the movie is totally non-partisan. As Gore says in the movie, "This is not a Republican issue or a Democrat issue, it's a moral issue." I couldn't agree more. I happened to see this movie in one of the most Republican counties in the entire US (and certainly in all of California) and everyone sitting in the audience around me seemed to have the same opinion I did.

The movie doesn't base anything on theories, but on data gathered over a number of years. Gore also points out that the media reports that there are scientists who don't believe in Global Warming, which simply isn't true. Of the 900+ articles published in Scientific journals, not one scientist has officially disputed one of them. And yet the other side (representing big business) will have you believe that Global Warming is a theory. And the right likes to call it "the liberal media." What liberal media?

Even if you don't want to take the word of scientists, just look at what's happened in the last couple years: the Tsunami, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, that insanely wet winter we had in 2005. Everything seems to be changing right before our eyes. This movie helps explain all that. Please give it a chance when it comes to your hometown...or at least when it's released on DVD. If you care about the world you're leaving your children, if you think it's a sin to destroy the beautiful world God gave us, of if you're simply an open-minded individual, please see this movie.

Current mood: Hopeful that people will care enough to give the movie a chance.

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Blogger meesh said...

What's wrong with being a lefty, tree-hugging, dirt worshipping environmentalist? Ah-hem! lol

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I couldn't agree with you more about this film. I think it's important for everyone to see it and start really thinking about what we can do to preserve the Earth we have left. Times they are a-changin'. Hopefully for the better.

11:34 AM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

Hey Meesh,

Thanks for stopping by! Absolutely nothing wrong with being an Lefty, Tree-hugging, dirt-worshoping environmentalist. No sirree! I'm one myself and I think I'm pretty ok.

I'm going to write a little something about Premarin one of these days myself and look into some of those very worthy causes you hilighted on your blog. What a travesty!


1:31 PM  
Blogger Darla said...

Nice job, Kim! I wish I were as hopeful. Even if they would watch it, I'm afraid the "nonbelievers" (as if it were a religious issue) would discount the message, citing those media reports.

Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm just cynical because I'm bummed by this nasty, wet, gray winter that is in no way attributable to global warming despite all the records being set. :)

5:21 AM  

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