I am still living my new Healthy Lifestyle! Look how happy that sounded with the exclamation point. :) Seriously, it's not so bad. I'm not starving and it's not killing me and I'm still losing weight. So, go me! Here's my weekly totals:
Week 1- Calories-1,260, Fat grams-25.6, Pounds lost- 5
Week 2- Calories-1,120, Fat grams-20.6, Pounds lost- 3
Week 3- Calories-1,130, Fat grams-22.5, Pounds lost- 2
Week 4- Calories-1,139, Fat grams-26.8, Pounds lost- 1
Week 5- Calories-1,147, Fat grams-21.6, Pounds lost- 1/2
Week 6- Calories-1,181, Fat grams-24, Pounds lost- 1/2
Week 7- Calories-1,146, Fat grams-29.9, Pounds lost- 0
Week 8- Calories- 1,182, Fat grams-24.9, Pounds lost- 1
Week 9- Calories- 996, Fat grams-17.1, Pounds lost- 2
Week 10- Calories- 1,056, Fat grams-23.1, Pounds lost- 1
Week 11- Calories- 1,390, Fat grams-31, Pounds lost- 2
Week 12- Calories- 1,007, Fat grams-20.2, Pounds lost- 0
Week 13- Calories- **CRUSIE CON- Diet/weigh-in Vacation**
Week 14- Calories- 1,091, Fat grams-29.7, Pounds lost- 2
Week 15- Calories- 1,339, Fat grams-32.9, Pounds lost- 0
Week 16- Calories- 1,120, Fat grams-22.5, Pounds lost- 1
Week 17- Calories- 1,049, Fat grams-24, Pounds lost- 1
Week 17- Calories- 1,199, Fat grams-24.5, Pounds lost- 1
Total Pounds Lost: 23
One thing I noticed about week 16, which wasn't all bad--I just didn't bother to calculate my calories at the 4 day conference, and didn't want to average the 3 days I did calculate as a "weekly average"--was that it's very hard to get back into eating smaller portions and lower fat once you've spent 4 days eating whatever you want. Lemme tell you, I enjoyed those 4 days to the fullest. Two days I had
regular ice cream--as opposed to NF/Lf/light, frozen yogurt & sherbet. All four days there was chocolate, cookies, cake! And did I mention the alcohol? That's something I never, ever indulge in. My meals were still quite healthy (chicken breast, salads, veggies) because I actually
like that kind of stuff, but dessert is my downfall and, by God I indulged in sweets of all kinds.
But I also noticed that you can only eat like that for so many days. My body and mind are actually much happier when I'm eating right. It's not like I don't know this, but it's easy to forget when you are a foodie and you are not in the mood to watch your calories. Lately, people are telling me how nice my skin is, which is great, especially since I'm trying to get in shape for my big 4-0. I have about nine months to go. If nine months is enough time to create a new little person, I don't see why it isn't enough time to create a new big (yet smaller) person. :)
That's me at the Crusie Con (with most of the usual suspects) front row, all the way to the right.
Week 17 averages and a new total. Weigh day is Sunday, the last day of my dieting week.ETA #2:
Week 18- lost one more pound. New total 23. Not too bad for Thanksgiving week, huh? Will have weekly averages tomorrow.Labels: diet, me