Today's Thursday 13 came from a conversation with my sisters-in-law after the funeral on Monday. When we all went inside, everyone made a beeline for the coffee because it was a cold day. Regular coffee burns my stomach and there was neither hot water and tea bags nor milk to dilute the coffee, so I got a glass of lemonade. (SIL #1 looks at me and said, "You don't drink coffee, do you?" Like this is news. I never have.) Other people sort of looked over at me then, like I was so odd, I guess that's why I remember it.
The three of us found a little corner to have a chat. They were talking about a wine tasting my older SIL (SIL#1) is going to (her boys are staying at our house that night) and the subject morphed into vacations. SIL #1 was upset that she couldn't use her frequent flyer miles to go to Hawaii during a August but it was the only place she wanted to go. I asked why she wanted to go there--she's already been at least twice--why not try somewhere different? She looked puzzled. I mentioned that we have beaches and palm trees here and she said the boys loved to go surfing and it was relaxing there. (They live 10 minutes from the beach. My older nephew used to get up early every day and go surfing before he went to school. The Hawaii trip is still a head-scratcher to me. Why not take the boys to Europe? They've only been there once and it was without the boys. They have family there that none of them have met.) Then she mentioned how she'd love to stay at a resort in Hawaii, but they're $800 a night. SIL#2 agreed that a resort would be wonderful, gave me annoyed look and started naming names of resorts. (SIL#2 is like me. Burns after 5 minutes in the sun. What's she going to do in Hawaii?) At least we all agreed that $800 a night was a lot of money.
Anyway, that's how it went. The more and more they talked, the less I had in common with them. I mostly just kept my mouth shut and made positive noises because it was clear that whenever I asked a question, they were just annoyed with me. Why couldn't I just like everything they liked because it would be so much easier? As I stood there I started making a mental list of all the things that the average person likes that I don't. I had nearly 13 in just a minute or two so it was the obvious choice:
13 Things I don't have in common with the average person:
1) Team sports of any kind- I have no interest. I like Horse Racing and figure skating and that's about it. Gymnastics perhaps. But baseball, football, soccer, hockey, basketball? Boooorrrinnngggg.
2) Trucks, minivans or SUVs- I like little sporty cars. I have no desire to own the whole road or be someone's chauffer. I'll be driving a little bitty car for the rest of my life. I'm not interested in sedans or bigger luxury cars either.
3) Hawaii/tropical island vacations- I live in So. CA. I am surrounded by palm trees and the beach is 15 minutes away. If I'm going to plunk down my heard-earned money, I want a change of scenery. Preferably somewhere with old historical buildings or museums. Or for just relaxing, the mountains.
4) Red wine/Dry wines- My in-laws are constantly trying to tell me why I should like red wine. Sorry, I don't. I don't care that making it is a much more difficult process, or how many tannins it has, or that's its supposed to be good for my heart (which really cracks me up because that's not why they drink it!) I don't like the taste of it. Give me some white wine, champagne, or Muscatel. Give me the sweet stuff and I'm a happy girl. I'm 38 years old and I know what I like by now. See #5.
5) Acquired tastes- After 38 years if I don’t like it, I don't like it. I don't want to have to learn to like fish, red wine, caviar or sushi. I don't. I don’t like regular coffee either. Give me a non-fat Carmel Macchiato loaded with milk and sugar or a cup of tea and I'll drink that.
6) Cell phones- I don't understand the addiction. I don't need to be reachable 24/7. I don't get people who can't be anywhere "alone" any more. I understand parents wanting to be accessible to their children, but I don’t understand $200+ phone bills and people who can't put their phones down. I have a pay-as-you-go-plan. I use my phone to tell you I'm on my way or I'm late and then I hang up. I pay about $8 a month for this and it suits me just fine.
7) Reality shows- I've yet to find one I enjoy. I don't watch TV to see an assortment of people who want to be famous, I watch it for escape, good writing and a good plot. Why does everyone have to live in one house? It's annoying and overdone. The only ones I watched a bit of were Rockstar (for the music) and Last Comic Standing (for the jokes). I don't even know if these shows are on any more because I haven't bothered to look for them in the last 6 months.
8) Camping- Vacations include hotel rooms, electricity and my own bathroom. Nuff said.
9) Celebrities- I could care less what the celebrities are doing. Really. I mean it.
10) "The latest" anything/Keeping up with the Joneses- I'm not interested in the latest fad diet. I've never had the desire to be just like everyone else and I don't understand why anyone does. I don't need the newest, bestest anything. It might prove to be a hunk of junk in a year and it costs way more when it's new. If you have that brand new $3,000 flat screen, good for you. If it makes you happy, I'm happy for you, but I have no desire to own one and I'm certainly not jealous. I'll get one in 5 years for $300.
11) Name brands/designers- I have no idea who the famous designers are. I have no desire to know who they are. I don't shop at upper scale department stores unless I'm desperate or with someone else who wants to go there. I drive a luxury brand of car because I love the size and shape of it and the way it drives. I was able to pick up a 2 year old for a fantabulous price. The logo on my car's hood is almost embarrassing to me because it's so not what I'm about. I just love my little car and I'd love it just the same if it was a Hyundai.
12) Rap/dance/county music- I love music, but I hate this stuff. The only tolerable rap is the stuff that tells a good story without all those loud backbeats and swearing. I'm insulted when rappers call me "bitch." Dance music is just beyond me. Way too much beat, too peppy, too everything. Country is just too depressing and/or twangy and just not me. I make an exception A few older ones like some Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline for the new Dixie Chicks CD because it doesn't play like a country CD to me. It sounds like a rock band with a country flair. Plus, the lyrics are great--not depressing. Empowering.
13) Kids/babies - I've always known I'd never give birth to a child. Going through a pregnancy is just something I've never wanted to do. I don't hate kids and I'm tired of being misunderstood. I'm an only child and I like the company of adults. A chaotic house full of kids sounds noisy, stressful and unsettling to me. I've also always known that if I changed my mind I would adopt one little girl (not a baby) and do the best for her. And, to be honest, I still feel entirely to young to be a parent. Laughable I know because I'm almost too old to start a family now, but I still feel like a kid myself. I refuse to have children just because my family members want me to be like everyone else. My husband and I must be true to ourselves.
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