Six Months
I miss her. I can't get around it. I just do. Having Lulu here is a comfort and a blessing, but she'll never replace Niki. Just as Niki could have never replaced Kilroy, Kilroy couldn't have replaced Dotty, and Dotty my childhood dog, Louisa. Just as Atticus will always be in my heart, they all will. I feel very sorry for someone who has never experienced the unconditional love of an animal. I feel truly sorry for him indeed that he'll never know that each animal has his own personality, has feelings and worth (and I'm not talking monetary worth here).
Nikita was feisty--no two ways about it--and she was the alpha dog. Niki liked some people very much and others not at all. Niki loved Kilroy, her puppies, and us. Niki loved pig's ears, blankets, Mexican food, candy, and her fuzzy bed. Niki even came to like Rutherford (our cat) in her old age. Niki destroyed all her toys, while Kilroy's were always pristine. Niki liked nothing more than to be near us all the time and she asked for nothing in return. She gave us more than I could ever measure. I miss her more than I could ever measure as well.
Tonight I look out at the clear star-filled sky and I send out a silent prayer of thanks to my Kiki for gifting us with nearly 12 years of her life. I will always miss her, and I will never forget her.
Lady Kenpo Nikita
September 23, 1994- August 4, 2006
Sending you hugs and lots of 'em today. You've had a very emotional 6 months, and you've handeled it with such grace, I am in awe!
Thanks, Char. Funny how life is. Before that it was pretty boring. I'll take boring any day.
Losing pets is never easy. Having just started keeping my own, as opposed to dogs at my parents I'm already dreading the day our pyrenees begins to die. He's a wonderful dog and the breed is so relatively short lived.
Oooh, Great Pyrenees. Very cool dog. Reminds me that Stephanie Miller has pictures on her website.,88/
It's very hard losing a pet, particularly if they are a huge part of your family. Our dogs come inside when we get home from work and we spend a lot time with them. When we lose one, there's a huge empty space. Losing Niki was harder still because she'd been an only dog since Kilroy passed away 3 years earlier. A dogless house is not a home to me.
Our friend has a great dane, I know what you mean about short lives. But they are so special, aren't they?
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