Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More Mini Updates

Sorry I've been so absent. Last week was a busy one! You know how that goes...

Diet Healthy Lifestyle Updates:
In spite of attending 3 BBQ's last week (Oh! The tempting desserts especially! My weakness), I managed to keep off the 12 pounds I've lost so far. I expected to gain. This makes me insanely happy.

Weekly Averages:
Week 1- Calories-1,260, Fat grams-25.6, Pounds lost- 5
Week 2- Calories-1,120, Fat grams-20.6, Pounds lost- 3
Week 3- Calories-1,130, Fat grams-22.5, Pounds lost- 2
Week 4- Calories-1,139, Fat grams-26.8, Pounds lost- 1
Week 5- Calories-1,147, Fat grams-21.6, Pounds lost- 1/2
Week 6- Calories-1,181, Fat grams-24, Pounds lost- 1/2
Week 7- Calories-1,146, Fat grams-29.9, Pounds lost/gained- 0
Weight loss to date: 12 Pounds

The weight loss has slowed considerably, and if I expect to make my goal of a pound a week, I'm going to have to up my workouts. I got burned out in the gym, so I'd been walking every night. The heat during the day has made it so that Lulu can't walk fast or far any more, however, so the walking isn't doing me much good--weight loss wise. Walking instead of sitting in front of the computer or TV at night is always a good thing of course.



The WIP is slow-going. I'm not a pre-plotter, but my goal for this book was to do just that. I figured that doing something different might give my creativity a kick in the pants. Well, I have some bare-bones ideas, but the thought of plotting bores me to tears. The last couple of weeks, I've been writing random scenes and scene chunks. While I enjoy writing them, I feel like I'm writing in circles. And I am. I'm falling back into my old routine of writing 80% stuff I have to toss out because the scenes never have antagonists or goals. *sigh*

Just as we have to be hard on our characters so they can grow, I must learn to be hard on myself. No one has ever really been hard on me in my life. My mother and grandmother raised me, nurtured me in a very loving, female kind of way. I think this is why there is always something very female about the things I write, and why all of my characters have (at least a small amount) of this very nurturing side. And, of course, why I have trouble torturing my characters. Even when I think I am, I'm really not.

Do any of you have tips on how to torture your characters? How do you know when you're torturing them enough?


Blogger Grendel said...

Torturing characters is always difficult. I would almost advise simply writing a short story as an excercise in extremes. It can be something that you're not worried about publishing, or even showing to anyone else. Use it as a tool to really push yourself to extremes in confronting characters with "torture" (either literal or as I assume figurative). This would also let you just you expository writing to reach some scene of conflict or pain, and then break into a more descriptive narrative.

7:40 AM  

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