Friday, April 13, 2007

Teaching, Writing, Rambling

Today is day 9 of the teaching project. :) T is doing very well. I wish I could say she's all trained and ready to go, but the job isn't quite that easy to teach. I was thinking about the comment Dee made on one of my previous teaching posts. I actually do like teaching. It's true, I am a private person and I do enjoy the solitude of being alone in my workspace, but having someone with me isn't annoying in the least. I don't mind answering questions or explaining things to her. I know it's a difficult job and I never expected her to learn it all very quickly. Plus, I really am pleased to be able to teach her. I basically had to teach myself the job and that was very frustrating and nerve wracking for me.

Teaching this sort of job isn't easy, and learning this sort of job must be very frustrating for T too. Basically, there are some tasks that must be done weekly, some monthly, and some quarterly. The phone rings all day and everyone's problem becomes my problem. It is nearly impossible to do one task for more than 10 minutes due to constant interruptions. So, technical data entry or running reports that require flipping back and forth between various screens, etc are very hard to learn. Also, there is a ton of paperwork to keep organized. I know that some of the things I am teaching her make no sense now, but they will later.

Anyway, after two weeks, I am very impressed with T. I hope she is feeling good about the job too.

* * *

I have decided on the opening scene of my WIP. It actually feels odd to call it that since all I have are plotting notes and no story written down yet. The Witch who shall remain nameless (my protagonist) is going to witness a murder. The scene will open with her hiding (somewhere--maybe in some bushes) and seeing one of her Coven Sisters brutally murdered. Unlike Roma (my Fantasy story protagonist) she does not carry a gun, doesn't know Martial Arts, was not raised knowing that it was her duty to protect herself for her people. She is a regular every day Southern CA girl, who has a lipstick and keys in her purse, rather than a gun. She won't be totally helpless, she is a witch after all and she has her Magick, but it won't be enough to help her Coven Sister.

So, it feels really good to know how the book opens (so far) and it helps me fill in the gap between the beginning and middle of the book. (I pretty much had the middle to the end plotted out.)

* * *

I don't think I'll get much writing done this weekend. Tomorrow Barbara Samuel is speaking at my OCC meeting and Michele is coming too. Barbara Samuel is a fabulous speaker and I know I will leave the meeting Saturday afternoon feeling very inspired.

Sunday is my niece Elise's baptism. That should be fun. I imagine the church service and party afterward should take up most of the day. I probably should have done some laundry tonight, but oh well.

I'll try to do my 15 minutes each day. Really, what's my excuse for not doing 15 minutes, right?

Happy weekend everyone. Sorry I've been scarce on Blogs and LJs. Life's been very hectic.

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Blogger Chari-Dee said...

I'm glad the teaching is going well. It feels nice doesn't it? Gives a sense of accomplishment that is both of yours. Your WIP sounds excellent, and I can't wait til it's written so I can read it. Right up my alley that is.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

Aww, thanks Char. You're so sweet. Yes, I feel good that she's doing so well and I'm glad to help her.

I think she'll be ready to fly solo soon. She needs to be alone to do the work without me telling her what do next. I'm in the same department anyway. So, i'll be there when she has questions.

WOrking on the WIP. Doing research, plotting and considering a collage. :)

Hope you are well.


8:35 PM  

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