Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I must get with it

I am so tired lately. It's probably because I haven't been going to the gym every morning which used to be my normal routine. The hard thing about getting back to a routine like this is that in order to go to the gym, I must wake up at 5 or 5:10 AM. Once I get back into going to the gym 4 or 5 mornings a week, I have much more energy all day long. But how does one force herself to get up at 5 AM when she has no energy?

Monday I was literally half-asleep all day long! If I wasn't training T I would have called in sick and slept all day. Honestly, I would have! I told my husband that I have to go back to the gym very soon. (And, yes, I have been saying that for months, thankyouverymuch, but I really do mean it.) For me it only takes going back that first time and I'm ok. I usually like to go on a Tuesday or a Thursday my first day back (Is it obvious I've been slipping a lot in the last few years that I've planned my ideal first day back?) because those days are less crowded. I also like to get there at 5:30 sharp so I can get my favorite treadmill. (Creature of habit much, Kim? Why, yes. Thank you for noticing.)

Anyway, that was my long, boring whine. How do I stop from being so tired? Get up at 5 AM. Ugh. Wish me luck Thursday.



Blogger dee said...

So, did you make it to the gym today?
Maybe we should do that ACCOUNTABILITY thing again. i seem to remember actually getting things done last spring when we made that pact to check on each other. It just makes it harder to put it off if I know I have to tell someone, and risk feeling like I'm letting them down. It's easier to let myself down (or even worse - LIE to myself about it!) than it is to admit to you (or anyone else) that I didn't do something I said I was going to do.
You game? Because I really REALLY need to start running again. Every day. 5 times a week. I keep putting it off until tomorrow, but you know something? TOMORROW NEVER COMES!

3:40 PM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...


I was very bad and I didn't go today. I do have to get with it. You wanna do it with me? that would be great. I'm thinkig 2 or 3 days the first week and 4 or 5 the second wek and 5 the third, Easing into it. Plus, the hubby and I are going to try to walk most every night. That helps a lot.

You can do it. What's your plan?


9:48 PM  
Blogger dee said...

I think that's a great plan - he easing into it thing. I can handle that. Most days, I don't work until the afternoon, so it just means that i have to actually get out of bed and put on my shoes early, instead of rolling over and opening up the laptop to start writing. if i have to answer to YOU though, i think that will be enough incentive to actually stick to a plan.
When do you want to start?

3:37 PM  

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