Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Last week~

Monday: My husband and I were subpoenaed because we'd witnessed a crime back in August. Monday was the day we were supposed to be called to testify, but we were not. The guy must have pled guilty--he totally was. Yay!

Tuesday: I came down with a cold. Ok, so that wasn't a good thing.

Wenesday: I realized it was not the flu, but a sinus allergy thing. I get bronchitis every December, so having just a sinus allergy thing vs. that is actually another yay.

Thursday: I was able to keep my sinuses under control for a couple of hours (barely) so I could attend a lovely Planned Parenthood fundraiser. I purchased tickets with the prize money that my group (3 of us) won for being good little fundraising girls on behalf of the "No on Prop 85" campaign. We immediately donated our money back to the cause and were rewarded with tickets to this luncheon.

Cecile Richards spoke and she was so inspiring. She told us about growing up in an activist household. She said that her parents signed up for every cause that came to town: Civil Rights, Worker's Rights, Women's Rights, etc. "Our kitchen table wasn't where we ate, it's where we sorted precinct lists," she said. I've never wanted children, but that speech made me almost wish I had some so I could raise them to stand up for the rights of others as her parents did. Of course, she spoke a bit about her mother, the wonderful Ann Richards, as well. I had a wonderful time.

Friday: We had our employee holiday party. I won a great prize--a one night stay at a very nice hotel (that I love) complete with breakfast and evening snacks & cocktails. Color me jazzed.

When I got home, Fed Ex delivered an early Christmas gift from my fairy Godmother--a Project (Cherry) Red iPod nano. It's exactly the one I wanted. Fairy Godmothers know these sorts of things. They just know. Color me totally stoked!

Saturday and Sunday: I attended my local RWA chapter's December meeting, cleaned the house, did some Christmas shopping, had dinner out, but mostly spent time with my hubby and the pups. Atticus is really filling out. You can can hardly see his ribs now! He and Lulu are really getting along well. He is starting to initiate play. It's the funniest thing. He'll roll on his back on the dog bed and make these happy little growls, then he'll look over at her and whine at her a little, as if asking her to come and play. She pounces on him! It's halarious. I swear, she looks like she's attacking him, but she doesn't. She'll bite (without really biting down) his legs and his neck and when she stops, he'll grab one of her legs and make her start again. It's so cute.

Well, look at that, it's already Wednesday again.

This week so far: I'm still trying to get over this cold (my nose is red and peeling), took Mom out Christmas shopping last night (we both just started--yikes!), my mother-in-law was nice enough to supply us with a few day's worth of tamales (yum!) and my husband turned in his last exam for his BA degree (Yeah!) as well as the paperwork for his new Master's Program--Double Yeah! I am insanely proud of him as you can probably imagine.

Current Mood: a bit scattered and (of course) congested...not a mood, but a state of being ;)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness! You busy thing, you! I'm glad it's just an ucky sinus thing (and sending you good vibes for a quick recovery!) and not something worse...

5:16 PM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

Thanks sweet Katy. It's not so bad, but it is annoying.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You've had an eventful week or so.

Hope your cold gets better soon! :)

8:52 AM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

Thanks Caryle,

Feeling a bit better each day. it'll probably be completely gone by Monday. :) How are you feeling? You were getting sick too.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Chari-Dee said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you are feeling better and had a great day!

4:38 PM  

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