Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards is dropping out

Sad news this morning. John Edwards is dropping out of the presidential race. I'm really upset about this. The USA needed a man who cared so deeply about the poor and the middle class. A man who was willing to do whatever it takes to help them. A man who grew up poor, and hadn't lost track of where he came from. Sigh.

It's a difficult thing, but it's time to back Barack Obama. He's a great man with great plans and I've always said I liked him and would gladly vote for him if he was our party nominee, I just liked Edwards better.

Life goes on, I guess. It has to. The Republicans hate the Clintons too much for me to back Hillary. Sorry. Go Barack Obama! Turning in my absentee ballot today with a big ol' check by Obama's name and a NO on all the propositions.

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