Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Auction is Live!

We're all very excited about our Auction for the Michelefund. Michele is my critique partner, best friend, longtime cherry, all around fabulous person and future breast cancer survivor. Due to her husband being self-employed and a very minimal insurance policy, Michele needs some help paying for her breast cancer treatments.


Here's how:

1) Go to to read Michele's letter, check the lists of books and critiques from fabulous (and generous) authors, follow the link to e-bay or to make a donation.

2) There are more items available than what we have on our site, so don't forget to check our e-bay listings if books and critiques aren't your thing. Go to and enter "cherriestmf" in the search. (Be sure to leave out the space betweeen cherries and tmf)

3) Pass the word along to all your friends and family.

Finally a thank you to the fabulous women who have put this all together. From the organizers, to the donors, to the crafters, to our e-bay expert, to the people aready bidding, the love and team spirit by all involved has moved me beyond words.

Together we can make a difference.

Thank you all. Your heart and hard work not only helps Michele, but her family and friends too. It helps all of us. Getting the word out about breast cancer is so very important.

Current Mood: EXCITED!


Blogger dee said...

So very cool.
I'm so excitred about the auctions ending that I can hardly stand it!!
Give Michele BIG HUGS from Virginia, ok?

12:32 PM  
Blogger Cherry Red said...

You got it babe!

And the auctions aren't over yet! We still have more stuff up on the auction block as you know our E-bay Goddess.

Dunno what we would have done without you. Not one of us Michelefund girls knew anything about e-bay.


1:24 PM  

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